Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Great Commission Being disobeyed.

Unfortunately, it seems in the modern Church (more so in the higher Churches) that evangelism has become less important. Just today I read in a popular Anglican Internet Forum, that one Poster found it "wrong to try to persuade people to another religion". They recommended it better to instead to just answer questions when asked.

This is tragic. Not only is Christ being directly disobeyed (The Great Commission), many souls are being damned because it is not politically correct to "persuade people" to faith in Christ.

May we pray for the Church that disobeys its Master.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ah, tomorrow the Test.

 Tomorrow I take the two tests necessary to move on to taking calls at work. I am nervous yes, but confident. I feel I can pass them, thank God.

I will take it, then we get Thursday through Sunday off. Monday I will start Taking calls in the Learning Lab (monitored with trainers ready to help.) I have been told we will be earning regular wage then too.

I like the thought of being back to work. I will be actually able to do and buy things. HOORAH.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Second day from work.

about a quarter to noon. Picking more things up.....

Monday, November 13, 2006

Posting from work.

Starte the Telecommunucations Job at Cox today. Training. Fun.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

It has been quite a while since I wrote here.

I don't know what the cumpulsion to Blog is. But I know I have it. Its not like anyone really wants to read my musings and thoughts on things. But I want them out there. I want to put forward my stupid and inane thoughts.

And really, sometimes, like now, I write just to write. I really have no reason for filling up space here, other than I want to. Ever have that weird compulsion? I mean, we all come up with excuses. In Middle School I wanted to start an "online newspaper" for some odd reason. I didn't have any expertise, or any way of getting topics together. But I wanted to write. Now I realize that that was the entire motivation, to write.

If only I could find subject to write on. I guess I can come up with something as I go. That is what I am doing now to be honest. I decided when I logged on, that I was simply going to write, until I was satisfied. Whatever pops in my head.

So far I have written junk about writing junk. But I feel I am getting something out there. I am getting thoughts down.

Oh, yeah. Today I took my midterm in my ethics class at Ohio U. That class is a blast, and I think I did great on the Test. The Teacher is great. He takes these concepts and makes them understandable. I can now discuss topics like Ethical Relativism, the Divine Command Theory and Act Utilitarianism. There are now only MORE yummy things to learn. I cannot wait to dive in.

I only hope next semester is just as fun.

And Oh yeah. I think I may have something to write about. ;)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Quiz.

Birthday:July 16
Birthplace:Columbus Ohio
Current Location:Westerville Ohio
Eye Color:Blue I think
Hair Color:Brown
Height:Bout 5'9" or 5'10"
Right Handed or Left Handed:Righty
Your Heritage:German/English
The Shoes You Wore Today:Dunno what their called, I'm cheap.
Your Weakness:Food
Your Fears:Losing faith at the stakes of martyerdom
Your Perfect Pizza:Pepperoni, Mushroom and light amount of sausage.... calorie free
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Buy my iPod Nano
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:eh
Your Best Physical Feature:
Your Bedtime:Whenever I feel like going to sleep. I'm young with few responsibilities. Usually somewhere between Ten and Midnight
Your Most Missed Memory:Lack of Responsibility
Pepsi or Coke:Coke, has that great Burn. Pepsi's for wussis.
MacDonalds or Burger King:BK
Single or Group Dates:Oddly enough I've never dated. But would move from Group dates to Single dates the more I trusted her.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Neither. Both. Who cares.
Chocolate or Vanilla:Both.
Cappuccino or Coffee:Coffee
Do you Smoke:No
Do you Swear:occasionally, unfortunately. It is a weakness of mine
Do you Sing:eh, a little
Do you Shower Daily:depends
Have you Been in Love:Crushes. Not much more serious.
Do you want to go to College:I am in College
Do you want to get Married:A possibility.
Do you belive in yourself:Depends on the situation. Yes in some ways, no in others.
Do you get Motion Sickness:Never have before, but I've never flown.
Do you think you are Attractive:eh
Are you a Health Freak:I'm on a diet, but not really a health freak.
Do you get along with your Parents:yes.
Do you like Thunderstorms:I LOVE them.
Do you play an Instrument:Guitar. Might pick up Bass.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:I don't know about the last month, but I do enjoy the Occasional Beer.
In the past month have you Smoked:Never have.
In the past month have you been on Drugs:Medications. Nothing illegal.
In the past month have you gone on a Date:no.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Not a "Mall" persay, but Shopping centers.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:no
In the past month have you been on Stage:no
In the past month have you been Dumped:no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:no
Ever been Drunk:Buzzed when I drank a beer to fast. But not "Drunk"
Ever been called a Tease:No
Ever been Beaten up:Been in fights, but not sure i've ever been "beaten up"
Ever Shoplifted:When I was like three
How do you want to Die:Peacefully, in my sleep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:whatever God leads me to.
What country would you most like to Visit:England, for some strange reason
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Brown
Favourite Hair Color:Brown
Short or Long Hair:medium
Height:don't care, but REALLY tall bothers me for some reason
Weight:I'm fat, so I'd be hypocritical to judge for that reason
Best Clothing Style:Comfortable.
Number of Drugs I have taken:None
Number of CDs I own:60-100
Number of Piercings:none
Number of Tattoos:none
Number of things in my Past I Regret:many


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Interesting couple of days.

Eh, just been running some errands. Picked up Madden 06, Arena Football, and Led Zeppelin 4. I got a library card from the local library. Great setup. Got an Enterprise DVD and hae fallen in love with the series.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Devoting my life to prayer.

I have fought over theology in my head too long. I have hurt myself spiritually in doing so. I have abandoned a prayerful life for an intellectual one. I do not connect with my God the way I should.

I am devoting myself to pray more often. Both extemporaneously and Using aids such as the BCP and an Anglican Rosary I will be buying soon. When Stressed, I will pray. When at peace, I will Pray. When in Doubt, I will doubly pray.

I will pray just for the sake of prayer. My soul is dry of prayer. I must bring in the cooling water. I am a parched desert, I pray for Christ to give me the Healing Rain.

HalleluJah, HalleluJah, HalleluJah.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the Beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

A revelation

I have wrangled for years with issues of ecclesiology and doctrines, and denominations. And have come to the conclusion I am sick of it all. I am tired of worrying if I am in the right church, or worshipping the right way.

I have come to the Conclusion, that I intend to follow Christ and His Gospel. And I believe that my Church, while not perfect, is the best, and most pure place to do so.

In my Parish (It is an ECUSA Church, but orthodox) We teach Christ Crucified. We Teach basic Christian Morality, we celebrate the Sacraments. And we add nothing to them.

No dogmatism. Christ is the dividing line. There is one dividing line, those who know Christ, and those who need Christ.

When the Sacrament is celebrated, it is made clear that ALL Christians who have proclaimed Christ and been baptized are welcome. You do not need to prove anything. Your word is taken as a dear Brother and sister of Christ.

And the Gospel is the Key.

Are you wrong on the ordination of women? You are still my Brother if you proclaim Christ's Gospel.

Are you wrong on issues of theology? You are still my Brother if you proclaim Christ's Gospel.

No litmus Test, save for the one that Matters. Jesus Christ, the Lord, Savior, God and Messiah of our Lives.


Friday, August 25, 2006


Today I went to OU and took some placement tests. I could not take the Reading Comprehension test due to the fact that the computers were constantly crashing on me during that portion. Fortunately, the Reading tests carry little weight.

We Tried to get my Oakmail account set up, but there was something wrong with the database. Hopefully we can get this worked out before I start my online class.

I need to do my Entrance Interview and sign my promissory note for Financial Aid.

When Financial Aid comes in, I'm going to pay for Car Insurance, and get driving. It is difficult only having one driver in the house.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hola Senor Blog reader

The last couple days, we've been working on getting me into OU. It looks like everything will work out and I'll be able to start fall quarter. I'll be working toward a degree in Communications. Communications applies to everything, so it is a wise choice for the undecided in life.

I have considered a career in religion. I have a huge interest in my faith, not only on a personal level, but on an academic level as well. I love to study different theologies, even those that conflictwith my own, and have found that through my study I often find new things about my faith I had never considered.

For example, I am now reconsidering my stance on the ordination of women. I do not doubt the Scripture, whatever Paul said is true. I am just considering the fact that I may have misunderstood the passages in question.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


This week is going to be nice and pressure filled. Fun to know what you have to look forward to huh?

I am unprepared for my Humanities coursework, I'm about ready to drop my Philosophy, and I'm passing but going insane concerning my PC 101. So School is nuts.

All week, people have to be a million different places. So that's nuts.

And... Oh yeah, bunch of nutjob terrorists may just go nuts on the 22nd.....


Well, at least there's church on Sunday.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Getting a bit nervous. These loons from the midle east are getting closer and closer and closer to us. It may not be too long before they come at us full force. The President of Iran has threatened us with High oil prices, and is fighting for a nuke. We have a HUGE pro-Hesbollah movement in Michigan. Men have been arrested outside a walmart with a thousand odd cell phones.

England spoiled (or setback) a terror plot involving ten planes and liquid bombs. I have heard that the plan involved two waves, ten first, twelve the second time.

I know I already mentioned him, but the president of Iran is great at doublespeak. On one hand, he speaks of wiping Israel and the U.S. off the map, but plays up Mike Wallace, whining about how every modern nation should be concerned about having energy. They're floating on oil. They have enough energy.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I went to St. Matthew's Downtown for Church this morning.

The service was beautiful.

It was semi contemporary. There was nothing unorthodox from what I could tell, and we got to wittness a baptism.

I feel drawn to this church, but I am not sure how I stand on the ordination of women. I am leaning toward it lately, but I am not sure.

The absurdity of Internet Message Boards has the most ridiculous conversations on their religious message board.

Take a peek

You have a fine variety of the usual religious message board poster archetypes.

1) The Ticked off atheist, who doesn't really care to prove anything, just anger as many ignorant theists as possible

2) The Twelve year old athiest who thinks he can make fools of the much older and better learned theists of the board.

3) The quasi neo Gnostic who loves to expound on "real" Christianity, you know, before Rome got ahold of it.

4) The non-Christian (of any persuasion) who boils Christianity down to closminded bigotry coupled with Illogical theology.

5) The "Da Vinci" knowitalls who think Dan Brown is a Historian.


And there are several more types.

I also feel sorry for the poor sweet Christians, who truly love Christ, but are not sharpened for this type of thing. Sometimes they get in over their heads, and get ripped apart by the sharks.


It also frustrates me, that there are so many trolls, it is difficult to have a real conversation.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Oh crap

The Brittish government thwarted a terrorist attack.


Friday, August 04, 2006


You Are Homer Simpson

You're just an ordinary, all-American working Joe...

With a special fondness for pork rinds and donuts.

You will be remembered for: your little "isms" and philosophies on life

Your life philosophy: "Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals ... except the weasel."

Another one

You Are 48% Open Minded

You aren't exactly open minded, but you have been known to occasionally change your mind.
You're tolerant enough to get along with others who are very different...
But you may be quietly judgmental of things or people you think are wrong.
You take your own values pretty seriously, and it would take a lot to change them.

thought so

You are a Believer

You believe in God and your chosen religion.
Whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu..
Your convictions are strong and unwavering.
You think your religion is the one true way, for everyone.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Had to send my computer in for repairs.

They have absolutely no clue what is wrong with it. The theory is that it is a problem with the new Ram I had installed. They have sent it in for repairs, and it should take over a week. But with our experience, it may take longer.

So I am kinda stuck to the Desktop for a while. I hope my baby comes out okay!


Been playing a lot of Mario Kart DS on my free time.

I was crashing for my midterm earlier today. Gotta get back on it tomorrow. Gonna take the test saturday. Prayers please. I am not exactly prepared for this one.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I believe

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth.
And In Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, who was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was Crucified, died and Was Buried.
He Descended into Hell.
And on the Third Day, He Rose from the Grave according to the Scriptures. He ascended into Heaven, from thence He shall come to Judge the Living and the Dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of Sins, and the resurrection of the Body, and the Life in the World to Come.


In Christ, the Living God,

John ><>

Thursday, July 27, 2006

We might be getting the car fixed tomorrow.

My uncle might be coming over tomorrow.. or I think Saturday? to fix the car.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Brakes in the car went bad.

So now we have to give up the route, and wait a month or so and get a new car/get this car fixed. It is kind of odd, getting used to not having to go to bed really early lol.

I don't know what to do with myself.

My stupid S key sticks a little bit. It gets irritating. All the keys on my computer work very smoothly, except the one underneath my left ring finger. Drives me nuts.

Bought the Jim Gaffigan CD. That is on funny album.

As I have posted already, some of the pressure is off concerning school. Both of those tests that were freaking me out are already taken. Don't know what the grade on the second one is yet.

Sitting here typing this, surfing the net, and watching baseball.

My Firefox was acting up, but tech support told me how to fix it. Great stuff.

I've got Heart Shaped Box running through my head.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Some Stress Belief.

I took one of the tests early today. Whoo. Got a decent score on it.

Going to study a bit more and take my PHilosophy quiz tomorrow. Logic is interesting, but draining. Played a videogame for the first time in days.

God is Good.

Praise Adonai.

Monday, July 24, 2006

It gets worse....

I lost my Humanities book.

School is crushing my lungs.

My procrastination has caught up with me. I have two tests due wednesday, neither of which I have studied for. I am sitting here with no motivation. I hate shool.

Must study stupid things.......

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sitting here...

At a few minutes till ten, getting ready for bed, so I can get up at midnight, and do the papers. Not as bad as it sounds. But Sunday's are our worst days. Fortunately we also get paid more per paper.

Financial aid came in, I'll be buying Microsoft Office, a virus scan, some memory (Ram) and a warranty for my new Laptop.

However, my first and second purchases with it were Pizza, and Tony Hawk's Underground 2. (Funness indeed)

Great balls of wonderfullness.

Oh yeah, we will hopefully be attending St. Mark's tomorrow.

In Christ, the Living God,

John ><>


I have been working on school.  Bought a computer.

In Christ, the Living God,

John ><>

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Loving Considerate Liberals.

I absolutely love the sterotype of the Loving, Considerate Liberal, who loves and cares for everyone, regardless of their race, gender orientation.... or creed. (Unless of course that Creed is conservative).

I have gone through a bout of sinful anger and depression due to the "Loving" liberals on a particular message board calling me Mysogenist, Xenophobic, Homophobic, and an Oppressor.

I just happen to peek at the board set aside for liberals on the website in question, and see several threads bashing and tearing down
"fundementalists" (a term they inaccurately use to describe all Conservatives, wheter fundy or not) for their "Judgementalism".

The whole thing reminds me of the pharisee at the Temple.

To Paraphrase.... "Thank you Lord that I was not born Judgemental like those Cruel Bigoted Conservatives"

I have been deeply hurt. And I am frustrated more than I can ever remember.

In Christ, the Living God,

John ><>

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Didn't go to Joe's Party today.

I was going to go to my friend's Graduation party today, but everyone
was tired from the paper delivery today. We all came home and fell asleep.

Monday, June 19, 2006

ECUSA elects woman to Position of Presiding Bishop.

Well, they have shown the World they don't plan on Repenting.

I wonder how quickly we will be showing higher numbers in the REC and Continuing Groups.

Doors wide open Brothers and Sisters, Breathe the Fresh air.

In Christ, the Living God,

John ><>

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Paper Delivery is crazy.

Moday through thursday, delivering a Paper is not that hard. The major difficulty is being up at 1:30 Am. But Coffee fixes that Problem.

However, Sunday is Killer. We have hudreds of papers (Wheras on weekdays we have a little over 100) to stuff bag and deliver by 8:00. We end up starting the day at 11:30 PM Saturday. It is 10:49, I have been up since around 11:45. I will probably crash here soon.

But, I must admit, I actually enjoy it on weekdays. We pay for it on Sunday.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pray about the General Convention.

The Episcopal Church is now making decisions that will decide the future
of the Anglican Communion. While I am not a member of the AC, but am a
part of the Reformed Episcopal Church, I still pray that they do the
Right thing.

ECUSA needs to repent, or Ecusa will be abandoned by orthodox Anglicans.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I just registered for classes today

I know that it is late, but I finally registered for classes today.

I am taking Basic composition, Intro to HTML, Pop Culture, and PC


Monday, June 12, 2006

Cry me a River.

*Sorry. Won't buy the junk. I believe homosexuals are people deserving
of respect. I believe Christ died for them. I believe that many are
sincere in their faith and simply confused.



By Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA TODAY
Every Sunday there's an intense struggle in the souls of some believers
as one religious denomination after another battles over the rights and
roles of homosexuals.

Gay or not, progressive or traditional, those who disagree with their
denomination's stance wonder:

Should they leave their church?

Has their church left them?

Is this any place to find God at all?

The questions are as fresh as the headlines: lesbian Methodist pastors
defrocked, or conservative Episcopalians distraught over a gay bishop.

And they're as old as Christianity itself. Early fathers of the church
ruled on which teachings were heresy and which were "true."

"Denominations have fractured since Day One. The very word 'denominated'
means divided," says Boston University sociologist Nancy Ammerman.

This week the national governing bodies of two mainline Protestant
denominations, the Episcopal Church USA and the Presbyterian Church
(USA), debate their views on gay clergy and same-sex unions, and whether
the denominational rulings or local churches should have the final say.

But while leaders argue, ordinary people soldier on.

Many, gay or straight, seek a community of souls that welcomes them and
shares their sense of the scriptures and the sacred.

It may mean staying in their church of a lifetime, finding ways to
accept — or overlook — teachings or practices with which they disagree.
Or decamping for a church more fitting to their current faith. Or
walking away from any church to pursue a personal spirituality.

• Boston architect Jim Cullion, 52, is halfway out the door of Trinity
Church because, he says, the historic Episcopal church didn't take a
stand for gay men such as him during Massachusetts' same-sex marriage
battles. "A lot of Sunday mornings now, I just walk in the arboretum and
reflect. ... I'm very hurt. I'm very sad."

• The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor, 55, not only left the Episcopal
priesthood but also wrote a book called /Leaving Church/ on why she
hardly attends. One reason: In religious disputes, "human beings never
behave more badly toward one another than when they believe they are
protecting God," she says.

• The Rev. Jo Gayle Hudson, 52, had no choice but to switch. Once a
Methodist deacon, she was outed as a lesbian and booted from her post
just days before she was to be ordained as an elder. Now, she's a United
Church of Christ pastor, rejoicing in the Dallas pulpit of the Cathedral
of Hope, the nation's largest gay church.

• Brian Flanagan, 28, a cradle Catholic, openly gay and studying to be a
theologian, says not even an unbroken line of rulings from the Vatican
can drive him from this church. "What's central to me is how this church
talks about Christ, about God," he says.

There it is, the three-letter word that makes all the difference.

Not S-E-X or G-A-Y but G-O-D.

"Gay Catholics, like women who don't like the church's stance on
ordination, tend to place those things on a lower level of authority
than the church's teachings on fundamentals such as the resurrection and
the Eucharist," says the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and author
of /My Life with the Saint/s.

They want to stay with the family, the songs and prayers of a lifetime,
because it's a familiar road to the divine, because they have hope for
change, even if it's not in their own lifetime.

"They say to themselves, 'I accept the most important part — the creed —
and the other things I will strive to change and hope they will change.'
It's like being a proud American but disagreeing on foreign policy,"
Martin says.

Still, about 16% of Americans say they have changed their religious
identity during their lifetime, according to the 2001 American Religious
Identification Survey. They may have switched denominations when they
married or moved or just because they didn't like the music or a new
preacher, Ammerman says.

"The openness of American culture encourages people to feel they needn't
stick where they were brought up. They can try something new if they are
dissatisfied," she says.

"They can leave the farm, and they can leave the faith."

Most of the growing denominations and non-denominational community
"Bible churches" in that 2001 survey were theologically conservative
denominations with no openly gay clergy or no same-sex unions blessed.

When the Rev. Mark Coppenger, a Southern Baptist, started a new
conservative Evangelical church in Evanston, Ill., in the heart of
Chicago's liberal North Shore, he soon found students switching in from
liberal Protestant churches "where they didn't find what they later came
to cherish in biblical teaching and preaching," he says.

Doctrine does play a role in the ways religion reflects and shapes
society and culture, experts say.

"Whether it's the 1840s and slavery, the 1960s and '70s and women or the
1990s and 2000s on homosexuality, what is on people's minds in their
communities will show up in their churches," Ammerman says.

Once, black people, women and homosexuals were viewed the same way by
the leading theologians of the times: "They were all cursed by God in
Scripture, inferior in moral character and willfully sinful and
deserving punishment," says the Rev. Jack Rogers, former head of the
Presbyterian Church (USA) and author of a new book, /J//esus, the Bible
and Homosexuality/.

Eventually, most churches found a biblical basis for changing their
stance on race and gender but not on homosexuality.

The largest U.S. denominations — Roman Catholics, Southern Baptists, the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) and Lutherans in
the Missouri Synod — clearly proclaim that homosexual behavior is a sin.

They don't allow a different theological direction, however welcoming
individual congregations may be. Change is not on their agendas.

Ammerman forecasts it could take another generation before mainline
Protestant groups set a clear direction.

Last summer, the United Methodist Church voted down all proposals to
liberalize its views on homosexuality, including a motion to acknowledge
that "faithful Christians hold differing opinions," but the issue is
sure to return to the 2008 agenda.

And the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America began a four-year process
of examining its views on ordaining gay clergy and blessings for
same-sex unions.

Rogers wonders whether churches can afford the wait, particularly when
some, such as the Presbyterian and Episcopal churches, are losing
members at a rate of 40,000 a year, he says.

"Young adults today can't understand what the fuss is all about. Their
lives are color-blind. They have gay friends and straight friends. They
have good values, but they don't stay with the church," he says.

"The gay rights battle isn't the main reason, but it's one of them. They
don't see in their church a lens to see the world."

And people of all ages "are really tired of all this (fighting)," Rogers

"Most people just want to get on with thinking about Jesus."

Posted 6/12/2006 5:15 PM ET

Friday, June 09, 2006

A sick response to Al-Zarqawi's death. (Further thought on earlier post)

I am glad we got the guy. He was dangerous, and he is no longer so. It
is an unfortunate necessity that we kill men in war.

However, I am appalled at some of the responses I have heard on talk Radio.

Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Zarqawi suffered and begged for help. He
said he hoped he felt immense pain, and that the U.S. Army would drag
its feet in getting him medical help.

Glenn Beck joked about handing out cake in celebration.

Yes, I consider myself a Conservative, and for the most part enjoy these
shows. However I am foremost a Christian, and I am saddened by the fact
that this man is most likely in Hell. We are celebrating a wasted life?

Beck especially. While I do not consider him an orthodox Christian (he
is Mormon) he claims the name of Christ.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Al-Zarquawi dead.

Last night, or early this morning, the army killed Al-Zarqawi. I support
his killing as a matter of security. We needed to kill him. But I mourn
as this man is probably in hell right now.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sorry about the funny looking posts.

I post via Email, and when I attempt to put something in a "quote"
notation, it does not quite Translate well from the email.

I will find a better way to indicate quotations.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Disruption at a Catholic mass.

> More than 50 gay rights activists wearing rainbow-colored sashes were
> denied Holy Communion at a Pentecost service yesterday at the Roman
> Catholic Cathedral in St. Paul, Minn., parishioners and church
> officials said.

Oh great, here we go......
> In an act that some witnesses called a "sacrilege" and others called a
> sign of "solidarity," a man who was not wearing a sash received a
> Communion wafer from a priest, broke it into pieces and handed it to
> some of the sash wearers, who consumed it on the spot.
I can find no appropriate words to express my rage.

Let's just say Sacrilege is a soft word for what happened.
> Ushers threatened to call the police, and a church employee burst into
> tears when the unidentified man re-distributed the consecrated wafer,
> which Catholics consider the body of Christ. But the Mass was not
> interrupted, and the incident ended peacefully, said Dennis McGrath, a
> spokesman for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Violence had already been done by this point.

> "It was confrontational, but we decided not to try to arrest the guy,"
> he said.
> The dramatic episode capped several years of increasing acrimony over
> the Rainbow Sash Movement, an effort by gay Catholics to counter what
> they view as homophobia in the church.
The Roman Catholic Church was standing up for the orthodox and
traditional Christian doctrine.

> Beginning in 1997 in England, some Catholics have worn the sashes over
> their left shoulder to Mass each year on Pentecost, the day on which
> the New Testament says the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus's disciples.
> Because the holiday is a celebration of God's gifts, "we think it is
> an appropriate time to celebrate the gift of our sexuality," said
> Brian McNeill, a rainbow-sash organizer in Minneapolis.
The gift of sex has been perverted.
> For a few years, sash-wearers were allowed to receive Communion in
> some U.S. cities, including Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Los
> Angeles, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Rochester, N.Y. But since 2004, most
> U.S. bishops have cracked down on the movement.
> Last year, Cardinal Francis Arinze, head of the Vatican department in
> charge of worship, wrote a letter to Archbishop Harry J. Flynn of St.
> Paul, stating that the rainbow sash is a sign of protest against the
> church's teachings on sexuality and that the Mass is not an
> appropriate forum for protests.
> The movement's leaders insist that wearing the sash is not an act of
> protest.
Let me wear a leather jacket to a PETA meeting and lets see if it is
taken as a protest.

> "When Archbishop Flynn and Cardinal Arinze say it's a protest, I say,
> 'But you guys aren't the ones wearing it -- we are, and we see it as a
> celebration,' " McNeill said. "The premise of the sash is that gay
> people are part of the Catholic community, part of the people of God.
> We are there proudly celebrating Mass."
> The number of those wearing rainbow sashes has never been large, and
> it appears to be declining. The largest single gathering was last year
> in St. Paul, where about 125 people were turned away from Communion.
> In most cities, there have been only a few wearing sashes.
> None were reported yesterday in the Archdiocese of Washington, which
> has a policy of denying Communion to anyone wearing a visible sign of
> protest.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Reading the Da Vinci Code.



Sad. The book can be torn down by a 20 minute Google search, yet people
have lost faith over this.

I mean, I like the story. It is a thrilling mystery novel. I like the
characters, I like the plot, and the pacing gets your heart beating. I
am about 3/4th of the way through it and I can't wait to see how they
get out away from the French Police. I would also like to see what those
letters in Sophie's drawer have to say.

But the supposed history is just plain stupid.

A prime example would be the assertion that the Dead Sea Scrolls and the
Nag Hammadi documents were the earliest Christian Documents. This is
ridiculous as the Gnostic Gospels are Significantly younger than the
Canonical Gospels, and The Dead Sea Scrolls were buried by a Jewish
Sect, and only contained Old Testament Works.

The Canonical Gospels were all written before 100 A. D. Wheras the
Gnostic Gospels are much younger.

Also, the picture the Gnostics paint of Christ are fantastic. The book
claims that orthodox Christianity downplays Christ's Humanity. However
it is the Gnostic Gospels which portray him as a non-physical spirit. I
also don't remember the canonical orthodox Gospels mentioning a Talking

> (38) Then, seeing this, these soldiers woke up the centurions and
> elders, for they themselves were all there to keep watch. (39) And
> while they were describing what they had seen, again they saw three
> men coming out from the tomb, two supporting the other and a cross
> following them. (40) The heads of the two reached up to the heavens
> and the head of the one they were leading by the hand went beyond the
> heavens. (41) And they heard a voice from heaven saying, "Did you
> preach to those who sleep?"
> (42) Obediently, there was heard from the cross, "Yes."

Another contradiction to the theme of the "Sacred Feminine being
destroyed by the Church" is this little ditty from the "Gospel" of Thomas.

> /*For every woman who makes herself male will enter into the kingdom
> of heaven. - Thomas 114*/


Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Gospel is not about the Reformation of Society, but about the Salvation ofthe Soul.

It is common in many circles to talk about "The Gospel" as an act of
Social Reform. "Isn't Christianity about Putting others before yourself"
or "Isn't the Gospel about loving each other and God?".

While both of these concepts are very important, and Scriptural, neither
of these are the Gospel.

The Gospel is the Death of Christ in Calvary for the Salvation of our
Souls from a very real destruction. The Martyrs of the early Church did
not die for the teachings of Christ concerning Goodwill and Charity, but
for the belief that He was the Son of God, sent to the Earth to Redeem
Mankind from His Sin, and that He rose from the Dead proving His Victory
over death.

Paul writes in First Corinthians 15:

1Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you,
which also you received, in which also you stand,

2by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word which I
preached to you, unless you believed in vain.

3For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received,
that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,

4and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day
according to the Scriptures,

5and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.

6After that He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time,
most of whom remain until now, but some have fallen asleep;

7then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles;

8and last of all, as to one untimely born, ^ He appeared to me also.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


It is burning up around here. We are in the low nineties and I just
cannot stand to move!


Monday, May 29, 2006

Designer Babies.

Apparently its okay to kill an innocent child because he or she is not
quite "perfect".

Our world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Personal Blog Entry

Yup, nothing exciting. Just me talking about my life.

I am turning in an application tomorrow to Pizza Hut. I would be taking
orders and typing them into a computer. Decent looking opportunity. I am
currently jobless.

I am probably going to start College this summer. I plan to take out
loans and get a car and a Notebook. Around here those are necessities,
not toys.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Name Calling.

On an Anglican forum I frequent, there is a debate on the "ordination"
of women to the priesthood. And after explaining our position from both
the Scriptures and the Teachings of the Christian Church throughout the
ages, those in favor of female ordination have started calling us Sexist.

I have also noticed this type of thing in the political realm as well.
On the current debate on illegal aliens, conservatives are often labeled
as "racist nativists".

I am neither a sexist nor a racist nativist.

1) I believe that Women can hold any secular position she desires.
However I believe there is one realm where women are at all limited. It
is clear in Scripture, that in the Church, women are not to be in
authority over men. I do not view women as inferior but simply different.

2) I am not a racist. Anyone who comes to our country through legal
means is welcome regardless of race. I simply do not support a porous
border for Terrorists to walk across. I also do not like the drain
illegals put on our economic system. I say again, if you get in line and
prove who you are, and prove you can contribute to our contry. Welcome in.

Name Calling is Silly.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Dixie Chicks Discussion on Ed Shultz

I intentionally have started to listen to both Conservative and Liberal
Radio. I want to be able to say that my conservatism is one of
intelligence. I want to hear what people who disagree with me have to
say before I pass judgement on them.

I am Listening to Ed Shultz on Air America Radio. He is talking about
the Dixie Chicks taking back their Apology. Here are two things he has
said to this point.

1) That they were brave in doing so.

2) That they as Americans have the Right to say what they want. And that
it is foolish for people to boycott them, and spineless for radio
stations to refuse to play them

Here is my response.

1) It isn't brave. I say what I think all the time, even when I disagree
with the President. What is the Big deal? There is no Big Brother Bush,
and I am not afraid. I say what I think. And they are free to do so as well.

2) Yes, as Americans, they have the right to say what they will.
Absolutely. As a Conservative, the freedom of expression is one of the
rights I hold dear. However, I also support the freedom of expression of
those that boycott the Dixie Chicks as well. The Radio Stations can play
them if they want, or refuse to play them if they want. Freedom goes
both ways.

They can say what they say, and we can protest them. Welcome to America
Mr. Shultz.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Star Trek and Christianity

Does anyone else notice that in Star Trek, Christianity (and any
Religion for that matter) are looked at as old fables, or Mythology?

Christianity is demoted to the status of the Ancient Greek and Roman

Friday, May 19, 2006

That 70's Show

Last night, a major part of my youth ended.

I know That 70's Show was just TV. But it was a major part of what I
will remember when I think back to my youth.

I actually had an emotional response watching the last show. At the end,
you had the five original friends, sitting in the basement, minus the
annoying replacement. Eric and Donna are back together.Michael is an
idiot, not a 40 year old dating, monster truck driving Punk. Hyde is
going on about the car that runs on water.

Ah. I know it will run in syndication, but I will miss it.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Just click the link.


I obviously haven't updated my blog for a few days. I think I should for
fear of neglecting it as I did with my old one.

Nope, no political or Religious topics today. Just a stupid personal entry.

We got the new computer today. The DVDRW drive was messing up, we
brought it in for them to fix, and after two weeks of waiting for a
part, they allowed us to just trade in for the same model.

So far the Drive is working.

Listening to Underoath's "The Changing of Time". I love this Album.

The Sun Still Sleeps.

My Dog's ears are hurting him. Poor guy. I gave him some Epi-Otic and
some Benadryl
He's already feeling better.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Fox just broadcast a nice piece of Bile.

I am a huge Simpsons fan. I have watched that show for almost as long as I can remember.

But I am frustrated by tonights episode.

In a nutshell, (I want to go to bed) Seven day Creationist Christians are painted as closeminded idiots who manipulate the court system to help them cope with their sense of denial. I am not a seven day creationist, yet I have much respect for my brothers and sisters who hold to their view based on both Scripture and Scientific findings.

At the end they put forward a nice speech by Lisa to cover up their obvious bias. In short she commented that she respected Flanders' Beliefs and could see that he held them very strongly.

In other words, It's okay to be an idiot.

Simpsons used to be fairly neutral politically and Religiously. However with this episode and a similar one concerning Gay marriage, they can no longer claim this.

I will continue to watch Simpsons, but not as happily as I used to.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hey all.

Here's a question.  Feel free to leave comments, I'll discuss it with you in the comments section.

What justifies war? What makes a war not sinful?

Monday, May 08, 2006

There is no God but YHWH

There is no God but YHWH, and Christ Jesus is His Son, Messiah and Prophet.

"Allah" of Islam is no God, and Mohammed is no Prophet.

I am a Christian, and I despise Islam.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Playstation 2

I just pulled out the PS2 for the first time in a few weeks. I played a
bit of Metal Gear Solid 2, Star Wars Episode 3, some PS1 games and a
game of Rugby. Wonderful System.

I am hooked on Gran Turismo 3. Yes, admittedly I am behind the times,
but a good game is a good game.

Yes. As I told you my blog is schizophrenic. It is my blog, and I want
it to be freeform.



I am not going to jump on the bandwagon that it seems every single
conservative Commentator wants to ride home.

I have no reason to believe that Mr. Kennedy is lying when he says he
was on a sleep aid. I have personally seen the effects of Heavy
medication. I know what these drugs are capable of doing.

It is not out of reason to state that a man who was on two heavy drugs
got confused and disoriented.

Conservatives are quick to call Liberals sharks who jump at blood in the
water (which sometimes they are), yet they are doing the same.

Grow up. This has no bearing on politics short of a dumb cartoon that
will probably be found in the next Newsweek.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

An Interesting Article written by an Online Acquaintance

Simon_Templar of Christian Forums and The Fellowship of St. Michael's, makes a few good points.

His Blog is here.

After living in the culture of America today I've become some what innocuated to the various view points that we would generally refer to as "liberal". I see them so often that they, through being common place, have lost any sense of extraordinariness, or unusualness.
However, there are moments when I read something, or here someone talking and it suddenly strikes me that what they are saying.. and the thought process behind it are truly extraordinary in both the realm of 'common sense' and in the realm of history.

This is particularly true when it comes to discussions on the ongoing issues of conflict with Islam. We are in a situation in which a group of people have violently attacked us and our allies. Although 9/11 sticks out as the pivotal moment to us, the truth is that muslim terrorists have been perpetrating such attacks for decades.
The response of many people in our society to this is to go out of their way to sanitize and protect Islam. Has there ever been any time in history, in any culture, when such a thing has happened?
When faced with an enemy intent on your destruction and death, people respond by doing everything in their power to ignore the aggressive actions of the enemy and instead demand that their enemy be viewed as peaceful and tolerant.

It is truly incredible in the purest sense of the word... it would not be believable if it were not happening right in front of my eyes.

There is a universal truth that no person or group of people is so totally and completely evil as to have no human or 'good' qualities.. and likewise true that no person and especially no group so good that they have no vices or sins.
I remember one day when I was watching the history channel and they were airing one of their many specials on hitler and the nazi's. In one section they showed home video of hitler at his mountain retreat. He was affectionate with Eva Braun, and playing with his dogs... if you saw only that, for all the world, you would have thought he was a nice, likeable fellow.

This truth is in some ways a great benefit because it can allow us to look with christian charity upon the worst of men... but it can also be a curse because it often causes us to call evil good, because we can't abide that someone we find likeable could be evil.

So when I see, in conversation, Christians who demand that Islam is peaceful, and tolerant, while at the same time decrying Christianity for its abuses in medieval spain, I know how they can accomplish such a total reversal. If it were merely propaganda by someone who knows better, that would be one thing, but what I can not understand is how they can be so blind as to actually believe it.

Sure, the church had its abuses, the inquisition most readily comes to mind.. but for more than a thousand years the church actively taught against violence, and actively sought to end war and violence in europe using the full weight of their power to restrain the warlike nature of men not long removed from their barbarian ancestry.
Yes Islam has had teachers who were non violent, and one sect that was devoted to peace, but for more than a thousand years the religion as a whole has taught advancement through war. So completely dominant was this philosophy, and such and integral part of the religion was war with infidels that for most of Islam's history it was considered a SIN to make peace with an infidel unless advantage required it, and every peace made with infidels was by definition considered a temporary truce until war became advantagous again.

Yet today CHRISTIANS will ignore the 1500 years of antiwar/non violence teaching and work done by the church and focus only on the failures of the inquisition

AND at the same time, ignore the 1000 year's of war and violence by Islam and focus only on the few token statements about peace that Islam can offer

This is the kind of thing I expect from anti-christian bigots and those who are actively out to destroy christianity.. but christians?? How can they possibly be so blind?

Christians today will ignore the fact that Muslims the world over are KILLING with joy and pleasure our christian brothers.... and march in solidarity with muslims to protest the insensitivity of a cartoon.

This is insane. To my knowledge an occurance like this, on this scale, is unique in history.

I know that one of the major causes of this is the fact that people have been indoctrinated with an anti-western (and thus anti-christian since the west was founded upon christianity) view point. The contradictions present in the liberal view point on these issues are so huge as to be laughable... if the consequences weren't so dire.

The liberals, champions of freedom and tolerance, champions of women's rights because they have been indoctrinated to hate the truths of christianity (even when they are christians) will go out of their way to support religions that denegrate women, and cultures that deprive women of even their most basic human rights, but they turn on christianity, the one religion that gave women freedom and equal value as antiquated and anti-woman.
They stand up for religions that are founded on social castes(hinduism) and on the most extreme form of religious intolerance, outlawing conversion and even going so far as to execute people for it (Islam, and hinduism). Yet they attack christianity because it is so intolerant as to think that some beliefs and practices are wrong, and that people sin.
They are champions of 'the people' yet they support cultures and religions that are totaly autocratic (virtually every muslim country is a despotism). Again, they attack christianity, the one religion that gave birth to the concept and the realization of a free society.

The great irony of the terms "liberal" and "conservative" rest in the fact that they are entirely relative to the cultural context. Liberal favors change of the cultural norms "freedom" from the cultural values.. while conservatism strives to preserve the cultural norms and values.

Consider then what liberal really means in the context of a free, good, society. A society founded upon the idea that everyone has the right to live their own life and believe what they want so long as they don't infringe on others.
Our cultural values and norms are freedom, individual rights, the rule of law, logical and reasonable thought. So by deffinition, liberals in our society are people who want to be free from freedom, individual rights, the rule of law, and logical and reasonable thought.

They are succeeding

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The New Black Panthers are nothing but Racist Punks.

I listened to Sean Hannity yesterday. He interviewed a member of the New Black Panther Party. He made the Comment along the lines of "White men have been raping black women for years". He provided no evidence of his conviction that the Duke Students raped the woman. He also claimed that this is an issue of Privilaged white boys assaulting a poor black woman, again assuming Guilt with no evidence.

I don't care about the color of anyone involved in this. If they raped her, they should go to jail. If they did not rape her, they should not.

Fair Application of the Law.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

And now, my thoughts on the ABC not attending GC in COH

(I tried to fit as many acronyms as I could in that title.)

Let's see.

1) The Biggest Crisis in the Anglican world concerns the ECUSA's action to ordain a homosexual Bishop (Amongst other things).

2) The Body involved in this unilateral action (Liberals love that word, I thought I'd use it against them) are having a conference where this issue will be discussed and debated.

3) The Good Dr. Williams believes he has more important issues to attend to.


The Archbishop of Canturbury will not be attending the General Convention.

Archbishop Williams Won't Attend General Convention

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Rowan Williams, has declined an invitation to attend the 75th General Convention in Columbus, Ohio, next month, citing pre-existing obligations.

The Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold, and the Archbishop of Canterbury “did talk about this some time ago and it is not possible on the Archbishop's mid-June calendar,” an aide to Bishop Griswold told The Living Church.

Sources at Lambeth Palace note the absence of the Archbishop of Canterbury is not intended as a snub to the Episcopal Church, but arises from the scheduling of a “series of consultations” designed to keep the Anglican Communion from falling into “schism.”

On April 24 Archbishop Williams met with the Archbishop of York and the bishops of Bristol, Durham, Exeter, Manchester, Norwich and Winchester, along with leadership from the Church Mission Society, the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, the Anglican Consultative Council, and Anglican Mainstream at Lambeth Palace to discuss the Church of England’s options given different potential outcomes of the June 13-21 General Convention.

During the previous week, Archbishop Williams met with the Presiding Bishop at Lambeth Palace to discuss the situation within the Episcopal Church. After the meeting, Bishop Griswold told the Guardian it was important to keep channels of communication open with the leader of the Anglican Communion.

“We both live under stresses and strains, and it is important not to have second-hand communication, to meet face-to-face," Bishop Griswold said. "It enables me to hear his concerns and he can hear some from me.”

Archbishop Williams’ absence from Columbus will be the first time the Archbishop of Canterbury has not visited General Convention during a Presiding Bishop’s tenure since the 1950s. In 1997, Archbishop George Carey attended the 72nd General Convention in Philadelphia at which Bishop Griswold was elected Presiding Bishop while Archbishop Robert Runcie was the guest of the 1985 General Convention in Anaheim, Calif., where Presiding Bishop Edmund Browning was elected.

(The Rev.) George Conger

To find more news, feature articles, and commentary not available online, we invite you to subscribe to The Living Church magazine. To learn more, click here.


Monday, May 01, 2006

The Immigration marches.

I'm not scared. I did not change my mind.

Illegal immigrants still have no right to defy the laws of a sovereign nation. They tell us that they simply want to come here and be law abiding citizens. However, I would like to comment that they are already lawbreakers by being here. They have only proved that they will only obey our laws as far as they suit them.


Legals, come please be part of our society. Welcome to our great nation.

Illegals, you have only proven yourselves to be law-deriding criminals.

Potential immigrants, please come, but do so through the proper channels. It will be better for both of us.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

An unimportant personal blog entry.

Today we went up to Jim's house. We did like usual.

He and dad remembered stories from their youth and discussed family stories.

Then we debated a few things quite loudly. Then we left.

It was fun. He should be back in June.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

My September 11th Story.

September 11th 2001 was a day that none of us should ever forget. The Price of freedom is indeed eternal vigilance. While all of this has boiled down to political sqwabbling amongst the politicians, some of us prefer to remember that day for what it was, the day America was forced to wake up. I write this as much to tell my small part of this story, as much as to write it down in case I should forget the details.

I was in my eighth Grade English teacher's, Mrs. Grahm's, class during first period. I forget what we were doing at the time, but I remember when the new principle of the school walked into the class and whispered to Mrs. Grahm what had happened. As I sat close to where they were standing at the time (and since I am a nosy person) I overheard her say "Somebody has hit the Pentagon and the World Trade Center." (At this time Flight 93 had not hit the ground.) I remember being more specifically afraid of the fact that they hit the Pentagon as opposed to the Trade Center. As I did not know at the time that it was an Airplane flown by terrorists, I assumed in my naieveity that this was an attack by a foreign nation involving more conventional weapons. A kid asked me as we walked down the halls what was going on. I responded "We just went to War". I might have said more, but I don't remember.

A short time later we were brought to an assembly. As the whole day was a blur, I cannot remember if it was a short time later or an hour or so. I also remember (probably before the assembly) that we grouped a few classes together and watched the news. I remember ranting to classmates that we were on the verge of a war definitely, and possibly a global one. I was not far off. Although I had imagined a declaration of war on a foreign nation within a week.

I knew it was terrorism by the time I left.

My mother had come to pick me up from school early that day, not knowing if something similar could be happening elsewhere. As we drove that day, I remember the sky seeming so empty. I don't know if it had to do with the grounded planes, or if it was my imagination, but I am unlikely to forget that feeling as long as I live on this earth.

We went to pick up dad from a doctor's appointment that he was at. We went to a back room where several people (I assume a mixture of Patients and staff) were busy watching the news on T.V. I don't remember how long we were there.

When we got home. We watched the news all day. I remember eating a lot of leftovers from the night before. A pasta dish with cheese melted on top. It was great. I don't remember ever having it again. I don't know why the pasta sticks in my head so clearly but it does, and anything that sticks out in my mind, I want to write down.

My father called the navy to see if they could use him. They could not (for age and health reasons). Dad felt the overwhelming urge to do something, to fight for his family (family is more important to him than country) but he could not. We told him that we needed him here. He heard us, but he still felt frustrated that he could not help fight.

After hours of fixation on the T.V., my parents decided that we had to have some sort of break from all of it. We played videogames. I think I played on the Sega Genesis.

I don't remember much from that point on.

I remember watching for days afterwords (especially Wed. the 12th) what had been discovered. I did not go to school for a day or so.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Nintendo has given the official name for the Revolution project.

The console is now known as....

Nintendo Wii.

Now, to get my hands on one......

The Duke Rape thing

Some things that really frustrate me about this whole thing.

1. The alleged victim is unnamed (which I support), however the alleged rapist's are well known. In the court of Public opinion, they will be forever guilty regardless of the final verdict.

2. People are making this a race thing. I don't care that she was black and they were white. I would feel the same regardless of the races involved. If all were white, or all black, or some mix including asians and arabs, I still wouldn't care. If she was raped, they should go to jail. If they were not raped, they should not. End of Discussion.

3. I don't care to watch them practice. The fact that they play lacrosse does not matter to me. Sadly, this is probably the only way the awesome sport of lacrosse is ever going to see major T.V. coverage.

4. There is a lot of conflicting evidence. There is a discrepancy somewhere. We need to find it.

Oh, a note.

I am going to start writing again on issues other than moving, so if you happen to check this blog, don't get too bored and disappear.


Finally, we are totally moved into the new house. We won't be stepping in the old place ever again. The move was so stressful. While we are not yet fully unpacked, we are moved and can go on at our own place.

Yesterday, we busted major butt. We are taking a day off.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Close to finishing at the old house.

We are all pretty much exausted around here. Need some sort of rest day soon.

Now it is time to unpack. More later.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I just literally hooked up the internet at the new house. Wer are now living in the new house, but have a few things to move from the old one.

I've been enjoying my records as well.

Missed Easter Moving. Tragic but necessary.

We got the cable hooked up too. We havn't had cable for a few months, so I have been hooked on my off time.

Been watching alot of Star Trek TNG.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Moving is Hard.

We have the downstairs eseentially boxed and ready to go. Now to tackle the Basement and the Upstairs. Whoo.

I am extremely tired.

Dad had a few seizures, so we are taking the rest of the day off, we were going to start working upstairs, but instead we are going to move our "out" day a few days back. We paid rent for the month, so it we have a right to.

Yesterday, Chris showed me my record player wasn't broken. I just apparently didn't know how to use it lol. So I've been playing with it. The only record I can stand right now is Humble Pie's "Rockin'".

All the good Records are already moved up to the house.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Jesus knew how hard life is.

Jesus knew how hard life is.

I know them, you know them. The Christians who claim to happy, all the time.

Granted, God Brings us much joy. We know that we have eternal life, we know that we have an All-Powerful God looking out for our best interests. This does bring joy.

But, this does not mean that we are supposed to walk around with a smile plastered on their faces. We have troubles, we have doubts, we have questions.

Yes, Jesus died on the Cross, our sins are covered by his blood. But this does not mean that the bills are paid.

Jesus knew our lives would be hard. He spoke of a cross to carry. He said we would be persecuted. He did not say we would have no burdens, He just said that He can help you carry them.

Next time you see a "Happy Christian" do not feel like you are something less. Know that Christ loves you, even when you are unhappy. Know that He knows you better than you Know yourself, an know that joy is to come, even if you do not feel it now.


Ah, if you disagree with something that has ANYTHING to do with a major racial group, all of a sudden you are a Racist.

If the people coming over the border were Japanese, German, Canadian, French, Polish, Nigerian, Chec, Irish, Greek, Prussian or any mix of any race in the world, I WOULD STILL BE AGAINST IT!

I don't care that they are mexicans. I care that they are not legal. I care that they are abusing our system. I care that an open border to them means an open border to Al Queda.

I care that we have a Gaping hole in our side just waiting to be stabbed by our Enemies.

I don't care that Mexicans want to come into our country. I welcome them, I just wish they would do so legally. If they won't obey the laws of the land to get in, how do we know that they will once they get here?

If you are a mexican reading this, I want to say one thing. Please come and contribute to our country, enjoy the fruits of our nation, but just allow us to make sure you are going to contribute to our society, and let us make sure you aren't going to blow up a small part of it.

Yes, I know this post is emotional, but I'm not a journalist. I am a punk kid with a blog and an opinion.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The concept of Theistic Evolution negates Paul's writing on the Birth of Sin.

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned-- for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come. But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man's trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. And the free gift is not like the result of that one man's sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification. If, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.
(Rom 5:12-18)

Theistic Evolution teaches that God created Humanity, and all current species through the processes of Evolution. While I believe that Christians may believe Theistic Evolution and still be truely Christian, I do have some questions about the Theory.

For Theistic evolution to be true, there could not have been a literal Adam as accounted in the Book of Genesis. Because there would be no Adam, there would have been no Disobedience, and therefore, no original sin in the garden.

Paul speaks specifically of Adam and "One transgression". Paul understads Genesis, at least concernin a Literal Adam and the Fall, to be literal. Not only does he believe that Adam was literal, but he believes that due to his one sin, all men are sinners.

If, man is not descended from one individual, and instead evolved over time to become homosapiens, there would not have been"One man" and "One Transgression" that Paul Speaks of in Romans. There would be "an age of reason" reached by "an entire species" as they gained consciousness.

The Problem with this becomes Apparent when we read the Account from Genesis that Paul is referring to.

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?" And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'" But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths. And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, "Where are you?" And he said, "I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself." He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?" The man said, "The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate." Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." To the woman he said, "I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you." And to Adam he said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, 'You shall not eat of it,' cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
(Gen 3:1-19)

God ordered Adam not to eat from the Tree. Adam ate from the Tree and thus was in violation of God's command. Thus, man had sinned.

In classical Christian theology, at this point man becomes cursed. Mankind is now tainted with sin, and all that comes with sin.

However, according to Theistic Evolution, there is no Adam, no Literal First man. If there is no "First man" but instead Adam is simply representative of the Human Race, how can the entire Human race disobey a command of God? If man were destined by Evolution to reach the point where he could discern Good and Evil, how then could they have avoided this sin?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Cynthia Mckinney "Apologizes"

During her "Apology" she commented that no physical Comment should have occured.

Should she have not have been grabbed, by a concerned Police officer there for her protection, when she bypassed security checkpoints without her congressional pin (she broke the rules)?

Or should she have not punched a cop.....

I wonder!

She also commented that she regretted the escalation (which she incited) and will be voting on a bill commending the Police officers for fine work.

I thought they were Racist!

Racist Cops are good now?

This is the junk that politics is made of. I wonder if our society can survive with people like this representing us.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Random unimportant thoughts.

I told you some of my posts would be stupid. I go from writing about current events to writing about.... really current events.

Im tired. Gotta do da dishes. Don't got no energy. Spelling terrible.

Blue DS is better than Silver DS.

Coffee is good today with the chocolate flavored Creamer. Sugar already in it.

Strong Sad is funny. Although I am not nearly as depressed, I do empathise with the guy.

Wow, anyone who reads this is cool.

Or mean.. depends on if you are laughing.

Leave a note in either case.

My cat can spin his head around almost 180 degrees. Freaky. He also looks evil half the time.

Wrist hurts today. Perhaps I should back off the video games.

Listening to Kids in the Way alot.

Strong bad emails are cool.

I miss the days when I just started looking at the site, now I feel I have seen everything.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Cynthia McKinney

This is stupid.

I cannot believe, we hae in our congress, people who think they don't have to listen to the cops. She is lucky she didn't get shot.

She walked past security checkpoints. That alone should get her arrested. The police officer asked her to stop, three times. She refused. He grabbed her by the arm, and she allegedly turned around and punched him.

If I did this, I would rightfully be arrested. Not only did she disobey the police, she did so AT THE U.S. CAPITOL!

She is a Congresswoman. She of all people should understand that these people are there for her protection.

Her defense is that the man should have recognized her, and also that this was an issue of racial profiling. First of all, I doubt most people would recognize most Representatives. Secondly, we don't know what angle he was seeing her from. Third Her hairstyle had changed. Fourth, she was not obeying policy.

Wow, the racist pig! Whitey's keepin' her down. HOW DARE he make sure no bombs the crap out of her place of work!

Rush Limbaugh is conceited.


I was listening to Rush today (I listen to Rush every now and then, even though he irritates me), and although I consider myself a social Conservative, I can't stand this guy.

I guess my problem with him today is the fact that he is full of himself. He constantly makes comments along the lines of(not exact quotes, off the top of my head) "When you listen to the voice of reason, me" and many comments about his "exellent brain".

He did seem a bit embarrassed when someone referred to him as his "lifeboat" but he still said thank you.

I dunno. I just don't think putting up a pompous man as a primary conservative voice is wise.

Opening Day

Yesterday was the opening day of the MLB Baseball season. For many of us, it is the true beginning of Summer. Forget June, Summer starts in April.

Unfortunately both my Reds and my Indians got beat (pretty badly too), but that still does not take away the joy of the event. Until october, I will have my radio on, plugging myself into one of the greatest sports to grace the face of this earth.

If only all the anti-baseball biased sports fans out there could see the light.

This season's gonna be even better because I have XM. I get to hear every single game played this season. I got to listen to Spring training as well.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Hi everyone, update.

Hey, havn't updated in a few days.

The last few days we have been working up in the new house. We painted yesterday, repared the floors the days before that.

Looking nice. I am glad to be moving, but I would like to just get it over with.

Right now I am listening to Glenn Beck talk about the new 9/11 tapes that were released.

He makes an interesting point about americans at large. If we got attacked again, the country would not be mad at the nuts who hit us, but at "the administration". He makes a good point. People are so busy with politics, that we refuse to concentrate on the real enemy.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Aha! Playing my DS!

Yep, friday night after that nerdy post, I found my DS charger. I have been playing the wonderful console! Tis great!

can't wait to get up to the new house with our stuff. Gonna play mus music loud (we live in a double now), practice my Guitar with the Amp..... listen to baseball at night. Awesome.

Friday, March 24, 2006

My Little Brother found my MP3 Player, Now all I need to find is my DS charger!

I can't play my beautiful, wonderful, awesome Nintendo DS because I lost the charger.

I love the DS, I can do things with it never done before in a videogame. I can touch, point, draw, and build. It is the first mainstream handheld fully capable of 3d Graphics. The two screens add to the depth of the action, and creates new strategic elements.

yes, I know this sounds like an ad, but it truly is a great system.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Moving, E-Sword, and deli Sandwiches.



My parents bought that mobile. We are currently working on packing and getting ready to haul it all over there. It is a bit smaller than where we are living now, but it is more peaceful, and it looks like we may be happy there.

I love E Sword

And Deli Sandwiches, I will be eating many during the move.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Am I crazy or....

Did Anglicanism used to be protestant?

I know Anglicanism considers itself a Catholic and Apostolic faith, and I agree, it is. But I have noticed that many have also forgotten its reformed Protestant heritage. They want to make it out to be Roman Catholicism sans Pope. And worse, they disdain the protestants in the Tradition.

Sorry to break it to you, the Early Anglican Church taught the Five Solas. While I myself am broad, and slightly less reformed than the reformers, I am frustrated that The Anglo-Catholic section of Anglicanism is so desparate to get rid of protestantism.

The Anglican Church is Catholic, in the True sense of the word. It is open to all Christians.

And it should stay that way.

I am craving Pizza like you wouldn't BELIEVE!

I dunno, i just am.

OSU won yesterday. We move on to play Georgetown. I would like to see OSU go far.

Been listening to Glenn Beck alot lately. I like his stuff. Conservative, but free thinking. He does not just tow the party line. I like him a lot more than Rush. Rush irritates me. He just barks all the time.

(See not all conservatives are in love with Rush.)

Been playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Had to look at a guide to get further lol. Sad.

Been getting further in Metroid Prime 2 as well.

I am reading Star Trek TNG: The Children of Hamlin. Decent book. It is my first Star Trek book. I got a box of them from Grandpa. Nice.

Gotta get my turntable working, so I can listen to my records.

I've been listening to the Wedding alot.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Aww how Cute!

Read this racist garbage a seven year old Girl was taught to spew by her Nation of Islam father!

White Nationalism Put U In Bondage
White nationalism is what put you in bondagePirate and vampires like Columbus, Morgan, and DarwinDrank the blood of the sheep, trampled all over them withSteel, tricks and deceit.Nothing has changed take a look in our streetsThe mis-education of she and Hegro -- leaves you on your knee2growBlack lands taken from your hands, by vampires with no remorseThey took the gold, the wisdom and all of the storytellersThey took the black women, with the black man weakMade to watch as they changed the paradigmOf our villageThey killed the blind, they killed the lazy, they wentSo far as to kill the unborn babyYeah White nationalism is what put you in bondagePirates and vampires like Columbus, Morgan, and DarwinThey drank the blood of the sheep, trampled all over them withSteel laden feet, throw in the tricks alcohol and deceit.Nothing has changed take a look at our streets.

In't that cute?