Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hola Senor Blog reader

The last couple days, we've been working on getting me into OU. It looks like everything will work out and I'll be able to start fall quarter. I'll be working toward a degree in Communications. Communications applies to everything, so it is a wise choice for the undecided in life.

I have considered a career in religion. I have a huge interest in my faith, not only on a personal level, but on an academic level as well. I love to study different theologies, even those that conflictwith my own, and have found that through my study I often find new things about my faith I had never considered.

For example, I am now reconsidering my stance on the ordination of women. I do not doubt the Scripture, whatever Paul said is true. I am just considering the fact that I may have misunderstood the passages in question.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


This week is going to be nice and pressure filled. Fun to know what you have to look forward to huh?

I am unprepared for my Humanities coursework, I'm about ready to drop my Philosophy, and I'm passing but going insane concerning my PC 101. So School is nuts.

All week, people have to be a million different places. So that's nuts.

And... Oh yeah, bunch of nutjob terrorists may just go nuts on the 22nd.....


Well, at least there's church on Sunday.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Getting a bit nervous. These loons from the midle east are getting closer and closer and closer to us. It may not be too long before they come at us full force. The President of Iran has threatened us with High oil prices, and is fighting for a nuke. We have a HUGE pro-Hesbollah movement in Michigan. Men have been arrested outside a walmart with a thousand odd cell phones.

England spoiled (or setback) a terror plot involving ten planes and liquid bombs. I have heard that the plan involved two waves, ten first, twelve the second time.

I know I already mentioned him, but the president of Iran is great at doublespeak. On one hand, he speaks of wiping Israel and the U.S. off the map, but plays up Mike Wallace, whining about how every modern nation should be concerned about having energy. They're floating on oil. They have enough energy.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I went to St. Matthew's Downtown for Church this morning.

The service was beautiful.

It was semi contemporary. There was nothing unorthodox from what I could tell, and we got to wittness a baptism.

I feel drawn to this church, but I am not sure how I stand on the ordination of women. I am leaning toward it lately, but I am not sure.

The absurdity of Internet Message Boards has the most ridiculous conversations on their religious message board.

Take a peek

You have a fine variety of the usual religious message board poster archetypes.

1) The Ticked off atheist, who doesn't really care to prove anything, just anger as many ignorant theists as possible

2) The Twelve year old athiest who thinks he can make fools of the much older and better learned theists of the board.

3) The quasi neo Gnostic who loves to expound on "real" Christianity, you know, before Rome got ahold of it.

4) The non-Christian (of any persuasion) who boils Christianity down to closminded bigotry coupled with Illogical theology.

5) The "Da Vinci" knowitalls who think Dan Brown is a Historian.


And there are several more types.

I also feel sorry for the poor sweet Christians, who truly love Christ, but are not sharpened for this type of thing. Sometimes they get in over their heads, and get ripped apart by the sharks.


It also frustrates me, that there are so many trolls, it is difficult to have a real conversation.