Monday, June 19, 2006

ECUSA elects woman to Position of Presiding Bishop.

Well, they have shown the World they don't plan on Repenting.

I wonder how quickly we will be showing higher numbers in the REC and Continuing Groups.

Doors wide open Brothers and Sisters, Breathe the Fresh air.

In Christ, the Living God,

John ><>

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Paper Delivery is crazy.

Moday through thursday, delivering a Paper is not that hard. The major difficulty is being up at 1:30 Am. But Coffee fixes that Problem.

However, Sunday is Killer. We have hudreds of papers (Wheras on weekdays we have a little over 100) to stuff bag and deliver by 8:00. We end up starting the day at 11:30 PM Saturday. It is 10:49, I have been up since around 11:45. I will probably crash here soon.

But, I must admit, I actually enjoy it on weekdays. We pay for it on Sunday.