Saturday, October 14, 2006

It has been quite a while since I wrote here.

I don't know what the cumpulsion to Blog is. But I know I have it. Its not like anyone really wants to read my musings and thoughts on things. But I want them out there. I want to put forward my stupid and inane thoughts.

And really, sometimes, like now, I write just to write. I really have no reason for filling up space here, other than I want to. Ever have that weird compulsion? I mean, we all come up with excuses. In Middle School I wanted to start an "online newspaper" for some odd reason. I didn't have any expertise, or any way of getting topics together. But I wanted to write. Now I realize that that was the entire motivation, to write.

If only I could find subject to write on. I guess I can come up with something as I go. That is what I am doing now to be honest. I decided when I logged on, that I was simply going to write, until I was satisfied. Whatever pops in my head.

So far I have written junk about writing junk. But I feel I am getting something out there. I am getting thoughts down.

Oh, yeah. Today I took my midterm in my ethics class at Ohio U. That class is a blast, and I think I did great on the Test. The Teacher is great. He takes these concepts and makes them understandable. I can now discuss topics like Ethical Relativism, the Divine Command Theory and Act Utilitarianism. There are now only MORE yummy things to learn. I cannot wait to dive in.

I only hope next semester is just as fun.

And Oh yeah. I think I may have something to write about. ;)