Saturday, May 20, 2006

Star Trek and Christianity

Does anyone else notice that in Star Trek, Christianity (and any
Religion for that matter) are looked at as old fables, or Mythology?

Christianity is demoted to the status of the Ancient Greek and Roman

Friday, May 19, 2006

That 70's Show

Last night, a major part of my youth ended.

I know That 70's Show was just TV. But it was a major part of what I
will remember when I think back to my youth.

I actually had an emotional response watching the last show. At the end,
you had the five original friends, sitting in the basement, minus the
annoying replacement. Eric and Donna are back together.Michael is an
idiot, not a 40 year old dating, monster truck driving Punk. Hyde is
going on about the car that runs on water.

Ah. I know it will run in syndication, but I will miss it.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Just click the link.


I obviously haven't updated my blog for a few days. I think I should for
fear of neglecting it as I did with my old one.

Nope, no political or Religious topics today. Just a stupid personal entry.

We got the new computer today. The DVDRW drive was messing up, we
brought it in for them to fix, and after two weeks of waiting for a
part, they allowed us to just trade in for the same model.

So far the Drive is working.

Listening to Underoath's "The Changing of Time". I love this Album.

The Sun Still Sleeps.

My Dog's ears are hurting him. Poor guy. I gave him some Epi-Otic and
some Benadryl
He's already feeling better.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Fox just broadcast a nice piece of Bile.

I am a huge Simpsons fan. I have watched that show for almost as long as I can remember.

But I am frustrated by tonights episode.

In a nutshell, (I want to go to bed) Seven day Creationist Christians are painted as closeminded idiots who manipulate the court system to help them cope with their sense of denial. I am not a seven day creationist, yet I have much respect for my brothers and sisters who hold to their view based on both Scripture and Scientific findings.

At the end they put forward a nice speech by Lisa to cover up their obvious bias. In short she commented that she respected Flanders' Beliefs and could see that he held them very strongly.

In other words, It's okay to be an idiot.

Simpsons used to be fairly neutral politically and Religiously. However with this episode and a similar one concerning Gay marriage, they can no longer claim this.

I will continue to watch Simpsons, but not as happily as I used to.