Sunday, May 14, 2006

Fox just broadcast a nice piece of Bile.

I am a huge Simpsons fan. I have watched that show for almost as long as I can remember.

But I am frustrated by tonights episode.

In a nutshell, (I want to go to bed) Seven day Creationist Christians are painted as closeminded idiots who manipulate the court system to help them cope with their sense of denial. I am not a seven day creationist, yet I have much respect for my brothers and sisters who hold to their view based on both Scripture and Scientific findings.

At the end they put forward a nice speech by Lisa to cover up their obvious bias. In short she commented that she respected Flanders' Beliefs and could see that he held them very strongly.

In other words, It's okay to be an idiot.

Simpsons used to be fairly neutral politically and Religiously. However with this episode and a similar one concerning Gay marriage, they can no longer claim this.

I will continue to watch Simpsons, but not as happily as I used to.

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