Friday, February 10, 2006

Not stuck in the Mud.

Something liberals, or "progressives", often do is accuse conservatives of being stagnant. They say that our entire goal is to keep things as they are, whereas they being the enlightened ones, wish to progress further.
This is a mischaracterization. Conservatives do not wish to simply stay stagnant and keep things as they are. Our goal is to pull things in an entirely different direction. Conservative Christians (Not all conservatives are Christian, and not all Christians are conservative mind you) want to pull things the way God wants them to go. By standing against things like Abortion, relativism, over inclusivism etc. we are not trying to keep things as they are, but fix corruption in our society.
We are the true "progressives". It is our goal to eradicate corruption in our society, and bring us to a better place. A place closer to the Will of God.
Neither side is stagnant, it is just that each side is pulling in different ways.

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