Friday, April 28, 2006

The Duke Rape thing

Some things that really frustrate me about this whole thing.

1. The alleged victim is unnamed (which I support), however the alleged rapist's are well known. In the court of Public opinion, they will be forever guilty regardless of the final verdict.

2. People are making this a race thing. I don't care that she was black and they were white. I would feel the same regardless of the races involved. If all were white, or all black, or some mix including asians and arabs, I still wouldn't care. If she was raped, they should go to jail. If they were not raped, they should not. End of Discussion.

3. I don't care to watch them practice. The fact that they play lacrosse does not matter to me. Sadly, this is probably the only way the awesome sport of lacrosse is ever going to see major T.V. coverage.

4. There is a lot of conflicting evidence. There is a discrepancy somewhere. We need to find it.

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