Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Dixie Chicks Discussion on Ed Shultz

I intentionally have started to listen to both Conservative and Liberal
Radio. I want to be able to say that my conservatism is one of
intelligence. I want to hear what people who disagree with me have to
say before I pass judgement on them.

I am Listening to Ed Shultz on Air America Radio. He is talking about
the Dixie Chicks taking back their Apology. Here are two things he has
said to this point.

1) That they were brave in doing so.

2) That they as Americans have the Right to say what they want. And that
it is foolish for people to boycott them, and spineless for radio
stations to refuse to play them

Here is my response.

1) It isn't brave. I say what I think all the time, even when I disagree
with the President. What is the Big deal? There is no Big Brother Bush,
and I am not afraid. I say what I think. And they are free to do so as well.

2) Yes, as Americans, they have the right to say what they will.
Absolutely. As a Conservative, the freedom of expression is one of the
rights I hold dear. However, I also support the freedom of expression of
those that boycott the Dixie Chicks as well. The Radio Stations can play
them if they want, or refuse to play them if they want. Freedom goes
both ways.

They can say what they say, and we can protest them. Welcome to America
Mr. Shultz.

1 comment:

Simon Templar said...

Liberals don't seem to grasp that their freedom of speech, doesn't mean I have to listen.

Liberals also just don't get that freedom of speech doesn't mean anyone has to like what they say, and if they reveal themselves to be a bunch of selfish disloyal morons, its very likely people won't like them.