Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Disruption at a Catholic mass.

> More than 50 gay rights activists wearing rainbow-colored sashes were
> denied Holy Communion at a Pentecost service yesterday at the Roman
> Catholic Cathedral in St. Paul, Minn., parishioners and church
> officials said.

Oh great, here we go......
> In an act that some witnesses called a "sacrilege" and others called a
> sign of "solidarity," a man who was not wearing a sash received a
> Communion wafer from a priest, broke it into pieces and handed it to
> some of the sash wearers, who consumed it on the spot.
I can find no appropriate words to express my rage.

Let's just say Sacrilege is a soft word for what happened.
> Ushers threatened to call the police, and a church employee burst into
> tears when the unidentified man re-distributed the consecrated wafer,
> which Catholics consider the body of Christ. But the Mass was not
> interrupted, and the incident ended peacefully, said Dennis McGrath, a
> spokesman for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Violence had already been done by this point.

> "It was confrontational, but we decided not to try to arrest the guy,"
> he said.
> The dramatic episode capped several years of increasing acrimony over
> the Rainbow Sash Movement, an effort by gay Catholics to counter what
> they view as homophobia in the church.
The Roman Catholic Church was standing up for the orthodox and
traditional Christian doctrine.

> Beginning in 1997 in England, some Catholics have worn the sashes over
> their left shoulder to Mass each year on Pentecost, the day on which
> the New Testament says the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus's disciples.
> Because the holiday is a celebration of God's gifts, "we think it is
> an appropriate time to celebrate the gift of our sexuality," said
> Brian McNeill, a rainbow-sash organizer in Minneapolis.
The gift of sex has been perverted.
> For a few years, sash-wearers were allowed to receive Communion in
> some U.S. cities, including Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Los
> Angeles, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Rochester, N.Y. But since 2004, most
> U.S. bishops have cracked down on the movement.
> Last year, Cardinal Francis Arinze, head of the Vatican department in
> charge of worship, wrote a letter to Archbishop Harry J. Flynn of St.
> Paul, stating that the rainbow sash is a sign of protest against the
> church's teachings on sexuality and that the Mass is not an
> appropriate forum for protests.
> The movement's leaders insist that wearing the sash is not an act of
> protest.
Let me wear a leather jacket to a PETA meeting and lets see if it is
taken as a protest.

> "When Archbishop Flynn and Cardinal Arinze say it's a protest, I say,
> 'But you guys aren't the ones wearing it -- we are, and we see it as a
> celebration,' " McNeill said. "The premise of the sash is that gay
> people are part of the Catholic community, part of the people of God.
> We are there proudly celebrating Mass."
> The number of those wearing rainbow sashes has never been large, and
> it appears to be declining. The largest single gathering was last year
> in St. Paul, where about 125 people were turned away from Communion.
> In most cities, there have been only a few wearing sashes.
> None were reported yesterday in the Archdiocese of Washington, which
> has a policy of denying Communion to anyone wearing a visible sign of
> protest.

1 comment:

Simon Templar said...

"we are proudly celebrating the mass..."

The rainbow sash has nothing to do with the mass, it has to do with homosexuality. Thus what is being celebrated by these people is homosexuality, and they are trying to use the mass as a forum to celebrate their homosexuality.

So the first issue is that this is about the celebration of sin and perversion.

Secondly it shows the attitude of these people that they are willing to subordinate the mass, which is a celebration of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, to the celebration of their sexual identity. This is telling both because they are effectively placing the celebration of self, above the celebration of Jesus, and they are defining themselves by sex acts. They are making their identity a sexual act. Whats more, a perverse, sinful sexual act.

The are boldly celebrating sin at the table of Christ's feast.